California Vaping Laws

Vaping in California is a contentious issue. While some argue that vaping is the healthier alternative to smoking, others are concerned about potential health risks and the unknown long-term consequences of using e-cigarettes. This blog post will explore what’s happening with vaping legislation in California.

Is it legal to vape in California? Yes, it is legal to use a vape in the state of California. However, there are a number of important laws relating to their use. 

In fact, California has some of the strictest vape restrictions and was one of the first states to implement such changes. This included restrictions on their use, as well as officially categorizing vapes as tobacco related products.

This all being despite the fact that California is home to the headquarters of a number of large vaping and juul companies. 

This article will clear up some of the questions that you might have relating to vaping in the state of California.

Vaping Age in California

What is the legal vaping age in California?

The vaping age in California is 21 years old, meaning that this is the minimum age at which you can legally purchase and use a vape.

The same age restriction is applied to all tobacco related products, whether that be e-cigarettes, traditional cigarettes or vapes. The only concession to this rule is for those who are in the military.

Buying Vape in California


How old do you have to be to buy a vape in California?

To purchase a vape in the state of California, you must be at least 21-years old. 

This age restriction applies to both purchasing and use and is universally applicable to all tobacco related products.

Can you buy a vape at 18 in California?

No. In California the minimum age to purchase a vape is 21 years old. It’s the same age at which you are legally able to purchase any tobacco related product. 

The only exception to this is for those who are in the military.

Can you buy flavored vape juice in California?

At the moment, you can purchase flavored vapes in the state of California. However, that is subject to change because it has been a source of huge debate within California’s legislators.

A ban on flavored vape products was due to come into effect in January 2021, but it has been postponed. The reason for the delay is that the public will now vote on whether or not the law should be revoked.

Vaping Indoors in California


Can you vape indoors in California?

No. It is against the law to use vapes inside in most instances. The ban stipulates that it is against the law to vape in workplaces, bars, restaurants, and numerous other public areas.

Since 2016, e-cigarettes and vapes are included within the definitions of its smoke free regulations. While other states have only recently added vape related laws to its statute books, California was one of the first to do so.

As a result, vaping is prohibited in the same places as smoking.

Vaping in Public Places in California


Can you vape in public places in California?

No. In California it is illegal to smoke in most public areas and has been since 2016. 

The regulations explicitly state that it is against the law to vape in any workplace, bar, or restaurant. The law also states that the same rules apply to both vaping and smoking.

Vaping While Driving in California

Is it legal to vape and drive in California?

There are no laws governing the use of vapes while driving in California. 

However, it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that they are driving safely and that they are capable of using the vape while driving. 

Is it legal to vape in a car with a child in California?

No. In California it is against the law to vape in a car when a minor is present. 

It is against the law to use any kind of tobacco-based product in these circumstances and since 2016 vapes have been included in this definition.

Juul Pods in California

What is the age to buy Juul pods in California?

In the State of California, you must be 21 years old in order to purchase juul pods. 

California’s state age regulation applies to all tobacco-based products.

Are flavored juul pods legal in California?

Yes. At the moment, flavored juul pods are legal in California, despite previous moves to ban flavored vape products.

This could be a conversation that California may return to at a later date.

The laws on vaping vary from state to state and even local area, so it’s worth checking the detail of each locality before using your vape.

Alabama Vaping Laws
California Vaping Laws
Florida Vaping Laws
Illinois Vaping Laws
Indiana Vaping Laws
Massachusetts Vaping Laws
Michigan Vaping Laws
Montana Vaping Laws
Nebraska Vaping Laws
New Hampshire Vaping Laws
New York Vaping Laws
Ohio Vaping Laws
Texas Vaping Laws
Utah Vaping Laws